Gina’s website is nicely done and informative, it is organized and easy to navigate. On my first visit to her site I was able to find exactly what I was looking for and the layout of each page was intuitive. I knew where to click for links to her papers and videos.
A visually clean website that loads quickly and is not distracting by too much imagery or animations. The colors are soft and used simply, creating a simple but effective look.
Gina’s Bio Sketch aligns perfectly with her passion for helping students and shows her dedication to her career. I really get a sense of her personality and drive to excel in her career.
Overall I love the site, it meets everything she is set out to do and communicates clearly. As for any suggestions, I would like to see her personality be brought in a little more on her Bio Sketch video, she seemed a little nervous. But that is what happens when a camera is turned on.